Scholarship opportunities
The scholarships and grants could be obtained only from outside sources and not from the Florence Classical Arts Academy directly. The Academy itself doesn’t provide any scholarships or grants, but you may apply for independent funds and associations.
As our student, you are officially entitled to apply for the Art Renewal Centre (ARC) annual competition since we are registered approved members. You can find information about ARC following the link: http://www.artrenewal.org/ This competition usually is taking place in May each year.
The students who need the recommendation letter from the faculty or administration are encouraged to present their inquiry as soon as possible to allow administrative time to issue the document before the scholarship competition begins.
The student discounts are provided in following cases:
1. All full-time FCAA students (taking programs of minimum one year length) are eligible for 50 % discount for all workshops and evening classes.
2. If the short-term course student is taking two workshops during the same month (one-month long) that are running simultaneously (200 euro discount).
2. If the short-term student is taking two evening courses (each twice a week) during the same month (50 euro discount)
3. If a family participates (two people or more) in a workshop or evening class (200 euro and 50 euro).